Delayed cord clamping - revised NICE draft guidelines

Congratulations to Amanda Burleigh!

She's been campaigning since 2006 to delay cord clamping, and is now delighted to see draft NICE guidelines recommend that clamping should take place 1-5 minutes after birth. Which means that now many, many more babies will benefit from that extra blood volume (Penny Simpkin suggests nearly 33%, see earlier blogs) transferring from the placenta into their bodies. Let's hear it for fatter, rosier babies!


The real reason I'm posting is that, as Amanda has shown, the revisions NICE are drafting to their guidelines highlight that the status quo isn't always right. And it also shows that nature has a pretty good reason for doing what it does. So;


1- Be confident in listening to what your body is telling you. It's probably right


2 - Understand that the medical model isn't always the best course of action. You can set your own path - remember that feeling you determined the path of your birth is the key to having a 'Good Birth'


3 - Be open to discussing your wishes with your midwives. Most are like Amanda and want happy, healthy mummy's and babies.

And thanks to for the great graphic

#delayedcordclamping #nice #goodbirth #birthpreparation #confident
