Nobel news which benefits us all

I’m checking in this morning with some GOOD news for women (in a time when Good News for women is becoming vanishingly rare...) 

This is Dr. Denis Mukwege. Next to him is Nadia Murad. 

Nadia Murad is a Yazidi campaigner against the systematic use of sexual violence as a war crime, and a survivor of the ISIS campaign of sex slavery against women.

Denis Mukwege is a gynacologist who works in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He is one of the founders of the City of Joy in the Eastern Congo. Madeleine Gavin's documentary about this extraordinary place of healing is now available on Netflix. It's hard watching, but it's an important issue.

This news is relevant to all women because however comfortable we think we are in our careers and our homes and our families, it remains true women's bodies ARE political. The women in the photo here experienced that in a visceral, horrendous, traumatising way. The thin end of that wedge though is apparent here too, in the way we continue to malign women's bodies, objectify them, and make judgements about them. My conscious awareness of this is surely sharpened by the news this weekend.

**Photo credits to the BBC, Newstalk, Platon-Trunk Archive 
