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Group Hypnobirthing



Since March 2020 we have learned to work with the mothers and families we support in a quite different way.

Covid-19 changed the landscape of maternity care, and introduced limitations and new forms of working none of us could have foreseen. While many of the families we supported had to compromise their plans, and make hard decisions during this time, they gave us fresh insight into what mothers and their supporters want and need in their antenatal care. 


We are putting the finishing touches to a new antenatal programme. It encompasses the hypnobirthing coping skills we are skilled in, and is enriched by our practical experience of supporting mothers through maternity care, their labours and births. 


The course will be via Zoom, which means it will be accessible to you wherever you live.

You get the community you need because we'll group you with families due around the same time as you.

You get across the board support in one place with 'bolt-on' courses too, to help you get confident in birth partner support, breast-feeding and those tricky first few weeks and months of new family life. 


If you'd like to join the mailing list for this new course - due summer 2022 - email

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