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Expecting a Baby? Here's why it's worth dropping into the Mothercare events

Mothercare Orpington Expectant Parent Event - I'll be there, will you?!

I don't know about you, but when I was pregnant found it hard to be so publicly lacking in knowledge. It's an unsettling feeling to know so little about something that other people know so much about.....and for your existing expertise to be so utterly useless.

Enter Mothercare. Their regular Expectant Parent events are really rather fab. They cover the serious bases; car seats, prams & safe sleep. Which means that when you're making one of the most expensive purchases of your life, you'll know what to look for and where the value lies.

They also invite local birth & baby practitioners to come along too. That means doulas, hypnobirthers, baby massage classes, infant swimming classes, activity groups.... the lot. You get to see what's out there, meet some of the practitioners & teachers, get an idea of WHEN you might go along and WHO you like the look of, and what you might be thinking of spending...

So I'm VERY please to be going along to the Mothercare Orpington events this coming Thursday 13th & Sunday 16th June. I appreciate that for lots of people hypnobirthing seems a) very expensive b) a load of old cobblers c) a massive diversion from the way they currently think about birth. It's a great opportunity for me to clarify what you can expect and how it can REALLY help.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


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