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Charlotte Edun
Oct 8, 20225 min read
There is no alternative? Don't you believe it...
I am - finally - properly back to work this week. I have written a review of a book about maternity activism for AIMS (look out for it in...

Charlotte Edun
Jun 28, 20224 min read
The repeal of Roe vs Wade: an urgent call to return to the fundamentals of women's right
For most of the last 2 years I’ve been thinking about, reading about, and interrogating the concepts of choice and control in relation to...

Charlotte Edun
May 20, 20227 min read
3 problems with birth plans (and why you should write one anyway)
Why do birth plans have such a bad reputation, and why do we keep writing them?

Charlotte Edun
Jun 29, 20214 min read
6 things I loved about this week’s birth
I’m a doula not because I’m a birth junkie, and not because I’m soppy about babies. I’m a doula because birth has the potential to be...

Charlotte Edun
May 12, 20211 min read
Should your birth preferences really be the 'cherry on the birthing cake'?
The pandemic really laid bare the role that 'woman centered care' plays in the NHS - the institution that most of us have our babies in....

Charlotte Edun
Mar 29, 20215 min read
Take back your glorious body
At Edun Towers March began – as it did for many mothers – with an excited countdown towards the return to school. March 8th made my...
Charlotte Edun
Sep 5, 20191 min read
Why the Hypno doesn't Help
Honestly. I LOVE hypnobirthing - it's a fantastic tool.... However, it can feel a bit disempowering when you have Every Damn Thing You Need.

Charlotte Edun
Aug 22, 20193 min read
How this placenta prompted some honesty.
So you don't have to eat it. You don't have to encapsulate it. You don't have to bury it, or paint with it or photograph it. But please. Don

Charlotte Edun
Aug 13, 20193 min read
What I think about birth should have NO effect on you at all!
This SHOULD be tub-thumping, political stuff. Context is King, and the current context for birth is pretty dire, unless you take matters int
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