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Charlotte Edun
Jun 18, 20141 min read
New Pregnancy Relaxation classes for Mum's 'doing it again'!
I'm so pleased to be able to tell you that after only a very few weeks of discussion with the lovely Colette Beard of Gymboree Sevenoaks,...

Charlotte Edun
Jun 12, 20142 min read
The skills you need for the 4th Trimester
I've spent alot of time in the past couple of weeks talking about the 4th Trimester. Emma Evans, my Cradling Hands Doula partner in...

Charlotte Edun
Jun 9, 20141 min read
Babies make their own decisions about when and where they arrive!
#birth #birthpreparation #birthplace #calmrelaxed #comfortablebirth #goodbirth #hypnobirthers #labour #photo #positivebirth #relaxed...

Charlotte Edun
Jun 3, 20141 min read
Love by Gloria PIzzilli
Well, I'm back from Spain and slowly easing myself back into life, as I dodge the vast piles of washing currently littering the house....

Charlotte Edun
May 20, 20141 min read
Delayed cord clamping - revised NICE draft guidelines
Congratulations to Amanda Burleigh! She's been campaigning since 2006 to delay cord clamping, and is now delighted to see draft NICE...

Charlotte Edun
May 13, 20143 min read
Behind the headlines; what the Birthplace in England Research Programme and revised NICE guidelines
No-one will be surprised to find me blogging about this today - nor will they be surprised it's so late by the time I get fingers to...

Charlotte Edun
May 12, 20142 min read
Why preparing to have a 'Good Birth' isn't a selfish act
Before I had my children, and started to teach hypnobirthing classes in Sevenoaks, I worked in marketing and advertising. Contrary to...
Charlotte Edun
Apr 17, 20141 min read
6 Healthy Birth Practises you should understand
I happened upon these pages this morning, and it's a great little summary of what we teach (in more detail) in The Wise Hippo Birthing...
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