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10 Positive Things about Childbirth from the Irish Independent

I love seeing the notion of 'Positive Birth' becoming more mainstream. So thank to the Irish Independent for;

- sharing the news that birth can be good

- sharing the truth that our bodies are very well designed to birth our babies healthily

- giving lie to the myth that we can't prepare to optimise our birth experiences.

It's a great article so please clicky click here for the full deal. But if you really don't have 5 minutes to read with a cuppa, here's a quick summary;

1 - You're not squeezing something the size of a melon out of something the size of a grape

2 - Childbirth doesn't necessarily have to involve pain & suffering

3 - Childbirth is one of the most empowering things a woman can do

4 - It unlocks a new part of you that was dormant until you birthed

5 - Relaxing and trusting in the process is one of the most effective things you can do - and you can learn how to do it

6 - You'll fall in love with your partner again

7 - There's lots you can do to prepare for your birth even before your baby's due

8 - There's lots you can do to make your birth easier on the day

9 - There's a reason babies exit the womb the way they do

10 - You actually only have to move that baby about 5"


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