Relax, Breathe & Birth, Baby!
Are you pregnant? Want to find out more about birth preparation & hypnobirthing classes in Sevenoaks? Come along to the next Relax, Breathe & Birth session at
Alice's Tea Shop in Sevenoaks.

At our October workshop we talked about 'Good Birth' and what that actually means. We laughed about the crazy horror stories people tell pregnant women about birth (and about how you'd never try to freak out a marathon runner like that), and we investigated the wonder that is oxytocin - what it is, how important it is to the process of birth, and how you can optimise your own production of that lovely, shy, hormone. We talked about the 'red herring of hypnosis', and about meditation and deep relaxation of the body and the mind. We considered how you can make active & positive decisions about your labour & your birth, and about how important birth partners are. We shared positive birth resources and pondered on YouTube-ing hypnobirths. And finally, we chilled right down and out, and learnt how to make our breath surf the waves of contractions as we become as relaxed as we can be.
Planning is now underway for a November session. Email me to find out more and to book your place....
- Find out how exactly how birth preparation classes prepare you for birth
- Learn why relaxation is important during birth
- Understand how your hormones help you in labour, and the effect of fear
and anxiety on your labouring body
-Enjoy a relaxation session & introduction to techniques you can takeaway
& use whenever you like through the rest of your pregnancy